Tesla Might Open Supercharger Network

Tesla is reportedly considering opening up their US Supercharger network to non-Tesla owners as part of an attempt to secure more public funding.

The EV manufacturer has already opened up their European network to outside users, primarily due to the use of standardised CCS plugs on that continent.

Standard CSS plug (Top) / Tesla CSS Combo 2 adapter (Bottom)

In North America however, Tesla has been using their own proprietary connectors, forcing outside users to make due with adapters. And while it’s far from the first time Tesla has applied for public funding, this administration has a new focus that comes with new stipulations.

Anyone who’s ever looked into public funding grants knows that there are usually pages of requirements to meet before qualifying; nothing is as easy as simply applying for and winning a grant. The new American grants from the federal infrastructure bill total near $7.5 billion, and it seems this funding push has a very specific goal: financing public charging infrastructure.

So it’s not a surprise that one of the requirements will be to facilitate the public’s use of Tesla’s proprietary superchargers; and CEO Elon Musk has for years now spoken about his aim to make Tesla’s supercharging stations available to all, so this doesn’t seem like it’s going to be a sticking point for Tesla.

Currently, it looks like the plan is for Tesla to provide adapters on site for any non-Tesla users, and - as in Europe - likely some small software changes for compatibility. Though we shouldn’t count out the possibility of Tesla deciding to build new chargers to just use the CCS plug for standardisation’s sake - again, like in Europe.

A move to make more charging infrastructure is an investment that will have to be made before anyone considers leaving fossil-fuel-powered vehicles behind; and wide accessibility was always Tesla’s aim. Maybe, with these new grants, we’ll finally see that happen.


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