Tesla's Futuristic Furnace Plans

HVAC systems that heat and cool our homes are in serious need of an update in technology - and as usual, Elon Musk has been thinking about this problem for a while now.

Not many of us tend to think about our furnaces - unless they break down. But with wildfires, air pollution and rising temperatures, our current systems are showing their age.

Elon turned his attention to the furnace problem in 2019, after some Tesla owners in California shared their stories about how their vehicles' "Bioweapon Defence Mode" helped keep their air clear during the Sandalwood Fire.

This mode activates a powerful HEPA filter to clean incoming air - keeping the occupants from breathing in smoke, pollution, ash, and dust.

By the time 2020 rolled around, Elon was starting to talk openly about his thought that Tesla will eventually try its hand at redesigning HVAC systems using this sort of technology. And Tesla has a robust home-energy product line, and so it's not exactly unfamiliar territory for Elon.

But he's been a little quiet about this particular project for awhile now - unsurprising to anyone not watching the frantic pace that Tesla and SpaceX are operating at.

But a quick exchange on Twitter last weekend gave a soft reminder that Elon isn't done with this idea.

Now, obviously this alone isn't an indication that work is going to be done on a Tesla HVAC anytime soon; but back in July Elon pointed out that the system is on Tesla's "future products" list.

We honestly don't know more about it than "HVAC with HEPA filters", and that the Bioweapon Defence System is an inspiration; but even those ideas are enough to be excited to see what Tesla comes up with.

Standard HVAC units use those flimsy cardboard and fibre panes we stick into the main branch of our vent systems to catch dust, pollution, and other things in our air. Most people don't replace them enough, and don't spend a lot of time thinking about them - but they're hugely important for the quality of the air you breathe.

And that doesn't cover how expensive heating and cooling a house is. These older systems run on gas, oil or electricity, and cost a fortune. Without efficiency upgrades, climate change is going to drive these costs higher and higher.

Tesla's other home products like the Powerwall and the Solar panels and roof tiles are a good indication that the company could likely develop and produce HVACs without too much trouble.

Here's hoping Elon will be turning his gaze towards this project soon, the HVAC world is due for some shake ups, and having a HEPA filter to sort out pollen and pollution from our air seems pretty necessary.


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