Tesla Hiring for Optimus Motor Design

Tesla is getting really serious about its Optimus program.

The “Tesla Bot” named Optimus has been a favourite project of CEO Elon Musk for some time now, with a large portion of the upcoming AI Day 2 event being slated for discussion of the domestic helper bot.

Well it seems Elon sees his opening, because nine new jobs have suddenly opened up that directly deal with designing electric motors for robots.

Developing a HUMANOID ROBOT requires pushing the technology boundaries even further, bringing us new challenges. Finding talented and passionate people to join our growing team is fundamental.
— Konstantinos Laskaris, Lead Motor Designer, Tesla

It seems like most of the new jobs are located in Palo Alto, California; but there is at least one of the new positions listed as being in Athens, Greece - where Tesla has a motor research division, and where Laskaris works.

This makes research positions for motors and actuators for Optimus a slightly higher priority than Tesla’s vehicle-related motor research division.

This could be just a push to make Optimus look good for AI Day 2 on September 30th, as Leskaris reportedly mentioned the new engineers would be working on cleaning up the early prototype designs.

But with Musk pushing for a production date sometime in 2023, it seems like he’s finally found the resources to get his bot up and running.


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