Dubai Heat Tests Conquered

Tesla’s social media pages recently shared images of their extreme heat testing in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

The testing included the Model X Plaid, Model 3 and Model Y, with most of the testing being done on the newer Model Y variants.

At this time of year, Dubai regularly reaches temperatures of around 50℃; and while testing for cold weather often gets more interest, temperatures in this extreme range are often just as bad for an electric vehicle’s range and charging times.

Add to that the recent upswing in high-range summer temperatures across the world - and the climate science showing that the trend isn’t likely to go downwards anytime soon. Testing for extreme heat is just as needed at extreme cold right now.

We don’t have any raw numbers yet, but it seems like the vehicles performed well. We’ll surely get a report from Tesla’s PR division once they’ve combed over the data.

Until then, rest assured that your Tesla can keep running in the summer heat, over sand, and alongside any camels you happen to come across.


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